Thursday, July 13, 2017

How Technology is Constantly Changing The World We Live In

  Technology has been evolving since many years ago .We use to have ordinary phones, typewriters and Television Sets. In the early days horses became the mode of transportation. Later on trains, cars and buses started to come in. Typewriters are now obsolete because you can do more things with a laptop or desktop computer. Today, technology is still evolving. Now our telephones have evolved from ordinary phones to cell phones and now smartphones. Everyone seems to have a smartphone because you can do a lot of things with it. You can go on the internet, facebook, call and text friends plus keep vital information. You can even use viber to call and have a live chat with your friends. Television has evolved because now you have High Definition TV set. Newspapers are on the decline because you can read all sorts of news from the internet.  You don’t need to send mail to your friends because you can do it through electronic email.
   There Are Upcoming Technologies That Will Come In About 8 Years From Now:

1. Social Media will be much bigger - There will be Social Media networks that will try to contest Facebook. I still believe that Facebook will still be the leader in the industry. It still is adding half a million new users every day.  Instagram will still continue to perform well. It has replaced twitter as the no.2 social media network with over 70 million photos posted each day. It has now has over 300, 000 users as compared to 284,000 users of twiitter.

2. By 2025 Solar can be the biggest source of energy. - There will be an advanced breakthrough in the harvesting, converting and storing energy. This will make it the main source of energy in our planet. Photovoltaic Energy ( Solar Cells known as photovoltaic ( PV ) cells by scientists will transform sunlight directly into electricity. PV name is taken from the process of transforming light ( photons ) to electricity ( voltage ) which is known as the PV effect. Solar panels will be used to heat buildings and water. In the process it will power our devices at home and in the office.

3. Type 1 Diabetes Can Be Stopped  - The will be a human Genome  ( it is an entire set of nucleic acid sequence  for humans encoded as DNA within the 23 chromosome pairs in cell nuclei and in a small DNA molecule found within the individual mitochondria . Human genome incorporates both protein coding DNA genes and non- coding DNA ) engineering platform . This makes it possible for Doctors and scientists To alter the RNA ( ribonucleic acid )  and DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) sequences that transfers the disease.

4. The Shortage Food and Food Price Changes Will Not Be A Concern  - Lighting and imaging technologies will improve the growth of crops growth all year round. This will fix the problem of traditional farming. You’ll be able to grow genetically altered crops indoors. What this leads up to is that the disease and environmental factors will not be much of concern for crops and the food that is bought in supermarkets. It will maintain a consistent range of price and availability.
5. Electric Charged Cars Will Be the Norm By 2025 - Electric vehicles will change the auto industry. Traditional vehicles will start to fade.  The battery of these cars will last longer. This means you can travel longer. Instead of having gas stations, you will now have electric charging stations. Airplanes will  also embrace this technology.

6. Wireless Communications  - Digital communications will be a part of our daily lives  by 2025. All our appliances, homes and cars will be intertwined together. To be able to do this, a new kind of technology will store energy and act as electrodes that will deliver hyper -connectivity.

7. Biodegradable Packing Will Be Used - Packaging will consists of cellulose materials that are plastic-like but it is made of plant matter.

8. Cancer Drugs Will Be Safer To Use - By the year 2025 cancer drugs will be more accurate and specific. There will be less side  - effects. More précised drugs will have less side effects. More specifically aimed drugs will be able to unite particular proteins and antibodies that can cause an exact action. When it is paired with a new knowledge of gene mutations, it can make treatments of cancer better.


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